In April, 1865,in the waning days of the Civil War, a soldier in Sherman’s army plucked a prize out of the North Carolina statehouse: one of the fourteen original renditions of the Bill of Rights.
Lost Rights follows that priceless document’s epic passage over the course of the next 138 years, from the Indiana businessman who purchases the looted parchment for five dollars to the antique furniture dealer who tries to peddle it for more than five million. The artifact drifts from the living room wall of a midwestern family into the corruptible world of high-end antiquities before its journey ends with a dramatic FBI sting on the thirty-second floor of a Philadelphia office tower. Part history, part detective story, part true-crime yarn, Lost Rights is as provocative as it is entertaining.
“The tale pulsates with dynamic personalities greatly affected by their connection to one of the rarest, most influential and valuable documents in American history. Howard has produced a marvelously compelling read. “